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Subject Search for: Philosophy / Socrates
Every essay and term paper listed below can be purchased and downloaded instantly. If you can't find your exact topic our writers can write one from scratch just for you. Our Web site is open 24-hours so you can order at any time.
This paper discusses why, in the "Apology," Socrates claims that a good man cannot be harmed either in life or in death. The paper shows that this is because the philosopher strongly believed that a good man was someone who engaged in love of dialogue and learning. If this inquiry could go on in the next world, than a man of virtue did not have to fear harm in life or death. 6 pgs. 6 f/c. 1b.
Pages: 6
Bibliography: 1 source(s) listed
Filename: 3531 Socrates and Apology.doc
Price: US$53.70
9.3534 Socrates and What is Holy.
This essay discusses Socrates' view of what is holy and what is divinely approved. The philosopher succeeds in showing that these two concepts are very distinct. This issue applies to the concepts of truth and virtue, because truth and virtue end up having a direct connection to that the gods think about them. 5 pgs. 5 f/c. 1b.
Pages: 5
Bibliography: 1 source(s) listed
Filename: 3534 Socrates And Holy.doc
Price: US$44.75
10.3551 Socrates: The Good Life.
This four-page undergraduate paper explains what living a good life means according to the Greek philosopher Socrates, based upon readings from Allegory of the Cave, Socrates and Thrasymachus, and Euthyphro, and supports the contention that the most important thing is not life, but the good life. 4 pgs. 3 f/c. 3b.
Pages: 4
Bibliography: 3 source(s) listed
Filename: 3551 Socrates Good Life.doc
Price: US$35.80
11.3585 A Dead Socrates and a Happy Cat: The Question of a Life Worth Living.
This paper will assert, it is possible to live a very happy, unexamined life. However, it will be argued that the operative word in Socrates' claim is not "happiness" but "worth". In this analysis, it becomes clear that only a life characterized by reflection upon the nature of things can be considered - at least within the parameters set by Socrates (Plato) - to be a worthwhile existence. 6 pgs. 5 f/c. 1b.
Pages: 6
Bibliography: 1 source(s) listed
Filename: 3585 Life Worth Living.doc
Price: US$53.70
12.12536 Socrates Definition Of Tragedy.
This is a 3-page paper that analyzes the definition of tragedy presented by Socrates and compares it with Shakespeare's work Othello. It uses 5 sources in MLA format. 3 pgs, bibliography lists 5 sources.
Pages: 3
Bibliography: 5 source(s) listed
Filename: 12536 Socrates Definition Tragedy.doc
Price: US$26.85
13.Death: Why Fear It?
This five-page paper looks at the aspect of Death, what it is and what it means to fear death. Looking at philosophical ideas such as Socrates, differing ideas on unnatural death and also what the general idea of death and decay mean to the community.
Pages: 5
Bibliography: 3 source(s) listed
Filename: 13924 Death - Why Fear.doc
Price: US$44.75
14.Socrates and Protagoras.
This three-page paper critiques Prothagoras' position and shows how Socrates defers in his philosophical thought from the sophist (wise man)