Subject Search for: European Studies (History, Culture) / General History
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1.9101 An Analysis of the Black Death of Europe.
This paper will discuss the Black Death, and the consequences that caused the death of so many people in 14th century Europe. By revealing what the disease, and what were its causes, we can se how this is a clear reason to see why it was so devastating to the people of this time. The details of some of the disease will also be given to tell what the disease actually was outside of the almost mythic qualities it presents. 3 pgs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Pages: 3
Bibliography: 3 source(s) listed
Filename: 9101 Analysis Black Death.doc
Price: US$26.85
2.7383 The Development Of Europe Through The Renaissance And Reformation.
This three-page paper discusses the European Renaissance and Reformation. The author takes us on the path of their creation and allows us to explore the meaning and significance of them. They were an important part of the development of Europe and the author takes us back in time to witness its creation and participation in the European development. There were four sources used to complete this paper. 3 pgs. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Pages: 3
Bibliography: 2 source(s) listed
Filename: 7383 Development Europe Renaissance.doc
Price: US$26.85
3.4666 Are The Council Of Ministers And The Commission, Partners Or Rivals In European Policy-Making?
This is a 13-page paper in MLA style that analyzes and interprets the politics of EU and determines whether the Council of Ministers and the Commission partners are rivals or partners. 13 pgs. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Pages: 13
Bibliography: 8 source(s) listed
Filename: 4666 European Policy Making.doc
Price: US$116.35
4.The Decline of the Roman Republic and the Contemporary United States.
This paper examines the decline of the Roman Republic and links it to events in contemporary America. Changing class structure, foreign wars and political intrigue and assassination characterize both situations.
Pages: 9
Bibliography: 10 source(s) listed
Filename: 13411 Decline Roman Republic.doc
Price: US$80.55
5.Polish-Lithuanian Union, the Jagiellonian Dynasty, and the Golden Age of Poland.
This fifteen-page paper argues that Poland's union with Lithuania and the Jagiellonian dynasty marked the beginning of the Golden Age of Poland. All aspects of the union and the dynasty are included.
Pages: 15
Bibliography: 8 source(s) listed
Filename: 14415 Polish Lithuanian Union.doc
Price: US$134.25
6.Kashmir Conflict.
This paper examines the factors responsible for longstanding Kashmir conflicts. Competing claims over Kashmir by India and Pakistan are the key sources of the conflicts. The claims and the consequences are the result of some historical events, but also of opposing ideologies of India and Pakistan. Responses associated with the claims from the both sides have engendered political extremism in Kashmir. Past policies of the U.S. and China toward the region, on the other hand, have instigated armed conflicts and contributed to the extremism.
Pages: 8
Bibliography: 4 source(s) listed
Filename: 14416 Kashmir Conflict, Factors.doc
Price: US$71.60
7.An Analysis of European Culture and the Ibo People in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart.
An analysis of Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, and the relationship between the Ibo people's, and the invading European culture that changed their way of life. By understanding textual examples from Things Fall Apart we can see how they interacted in the fall of the Ibo people.